Blog posts of '2022' 'August'

To Infinity and Beyond!
To Infinity and Beyond!
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is arguably the most ambitious engineering project ever undertaken by mankind. Coming in with a whopping US$10 billion price tag, the JWST is the culmination of over 3 decades worth of international collaboration to push humanity’s intellectual prowess and insatiable curiosity to the maximum.
Shortage in Building Construction Parts
Shortage in Building Construction Parts
The Australian construction industry has been under pressure over the last year, and that’s likely to continue into 2023. The strain has been building up for several years, due to not having enough labourers to keep up with the demand for houses and renovations needing to be built.
Green is the Goal
Green is the Goal
Nylon is everywhere in our day-to-day lives; from the clothes we wear and the cookware in our kitchens, and the machine parts and fasteners in our washing machines. Whether you realise it or not, nylon is all around us, but what is nylon and why do we use it so much? Nylon is one of the most useful synthetic materials that has been adopted by humans to serve a range of different purposes across society. Nylon was the first fabric that was made entirely in a laboratory, and its creation sparked the use of synthetic materials.